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Why Wayne?

Access to the Regional Market

Within 1-Hour Drive
Over 30,000 businesses
1,300 foreign firms from 39 countries
25+ Industry groups & associates
5.1 million residents
11 Fortune 500 companies
Michigan Business Climate
6% Flat Corporate Income Tax
No. 10 Top State for Doing Business, up 13 spots from 2023 (Area Development, 2024)
- No. 1 in Water Availability (Area Development, 2024)
- No. 8 in Cooperative and Responsive Government (Area Development, 2024)
- No. 10 in Workforce Training Programs (Area Development, 2024)
- No. 9 America's Top States for Doing Business (CNBC, 2024)
- No. 1 State for Automotive Industries (Business Facilities, 2024)
- Top 10 State in the 2024 Prosperity Cup (Site Selection Magazine, 2024)
- Detroit Region #2 for Best Business Climate (Business Facilities, 2021)
Center for North American Auto Industry
16 Automakers
12 Assembly Plants
19% of U.S. Auto Production
62% of U.S. automotive R&D investment: $10 billion annually
- 1,800 auto suppliers, including 60 of the top 100 suppliers in North America. 96 of the Top 100 automotive suppliers have a presence in Michigan.

Access to the World
Center of International Trade
- $300+ million in trade crossing each day at the Detroit/Windsor border
The Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority overseas millions of tons of international and domestic cargo per year at 29 terminal facilities
International Customs Service is available at 4 airports, including Detroit Metro Airport, which has daily non-stop passenger service to more than 160 international locations including Japan, China, Europe
4 Class One Railways & 11 interstate Highways
Nearly half of the US & Canadian population live within 500 miles
Access to Talent
2.3 million in the regional labor force
Michigan is ranked #1 in available skilled labor
- Detroit is experiencing faster growth in the IT sector than Silicon Valley
- 60+ job training programs
- 600,000+ manufacturing workers in Michigan, 231,000 in the Detroit region
Access to Land

The Detroit Region Aerotropolis (DRA) is a four-community, two-county public-private partnership driving corporate expansion & new investments around Detroit Metro and Willow Run Airports. The DRA offers 6,000 acres of Greenfield development opportunities.
The Michigan International Technology Center is located in Western Wayne County. It is a multi-community collaborative effort with access to over 500 acres of land for development. Available sites range from 4 to 100 acres.
Access to Innovation

American Center for Mobility
500+ acre campus that focuses on the testing, verification, & certification of next gen vehicles
Wayne State University
MS in Data Science & Business Analytics accommodates the high-demand field of analytics
University of Michigan - Dearborn
Engineering & Computer Science program is ranked among the top for 18 consecutive years by U.S. News & World Report
Lightweight Innovations for Tomorrow
Develops & Deploys advanced lightweight
materials & cutting-edge manufacturing technologies
The Michigan Life Science & Innovation Center
Life science incubator supports the development of new products and technologies
Access to Assistance
Incentive Coordination
Local Tax abatement
State & Federal Incentives
Brownfield redevelopment support
Site Location Assistance
Site Searches
Confidential Site Tours
Expedited Permitting
Business Connections
Pure Michigan Business Connect is your B2B connection
Federal & County procurement assistance
Access to Capital
Energy Efficiency upgraded loans
SBA fixed asset loans
Industrial Revenue Bond Financing
Funding Preparation
Loan review & packaging
"Wayne County is a premier gateway to the global marketplace. We have the workforce, infrastructure, and industrial assets to design, build, and ship just about anything. Our region is leading the way in innovative fields like mobility. Discover what over 30,000 companies already know: Wayne County is a great place to do business."