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Environmental Regulations
Wayne County
The Environmental Ordinances for Wayne County are published in Part II of the Code of Ordinances for the County of Wayne, Michigan. These include:
- Air Pollution Control Ordinance
- Drains
- Environmental Health Code
- Illegal Dumping Ordinance
- Municipal Civil Infraction Ordinance
- On-Site Sewage Disposal System Evaluation & Maintenance Ordinance and Administrative Rules
- Sewer Use Ordinance
- Solid Waste Ordinance
- Storm Water Management Ordinance and Administrative Rules
- Wetland Mitigation Bank Ordinance
Michigan Environmental laws were combined in 1994 into Public Act 451 0f 1994 known as Michigan Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act. These include:
- Administrative Rules to Act 451 are published under the Michigan Administrative Code
- An index to Federal laws, rules and regulations can be found at: USGS Guide to Federal Environmental Laws and Regulations
- Federal Rules and Regulations and changes are published annually on July 7, under United States Code Of Federal Regulation (CFR) most of the environmental laws are contained in Title 40 of The CFR.
- The Daily Federal Register records and publishes daily all new rules and regulations established by every branch of the Federal Government, including the Environmental Protection Agency (which administers most of the environmental laws). Proposed rules, meeting announcements, public notices and other pertinent information is also published daily.