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Bioretention/Low Impact Development/Native Landscaping

Project Title and LocationBMPs UtilizedContact / Link to More Information

Project Title: City Hall Storm Water Quality Improvements

Location: City of Wayne (4001 S. Wayne Road)

  • Bioretention (depressed parking lot islands)
  • Dry Swales with underdrain
  • Rain barrels
  • Inlet filters
  • Underground swirl concentrators
  • Native Landscaping
  • Completed July 2004

Project Title: Ford Rouge Center (FRC)

Location: Ford Rouge Center, Miller Road, Dearborn

Project Title: LID techniques applied for campus storm water management

Location: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

  • Porous pavement
  • Bioretention
  • Underground detention
  • Manufactured treatment
  • Constructed wetland
  • Winter deicing program

(photos courtesy M. Chock)

Project Title: Miller Road Reconstruction

Location: Miller Road adjacent to the Ford Rouge Complex, Dearborn

  • Reduced Number of Pavement Lanes
  • Depressed Median Swales
  • Vegetative Filter
  • Swirl Concentrator Outlets
  • Existing Storm Sewers
  • Project Partners: Wayne County, City of Dearborn, Ford Motor Company, MDOT
  • Michael Darga, Transportation Services Chief Engineer, Tetra Tech MPS, 810-225-8445
  • Roger Gaudette, Ford Land, 313-323-2333
  • Hassan Saab, Director, DPS-Engineering, 313-224-7692

Project Title: Canterbury Gardens Condominiums

Location: Waltz & Willow Roads, Huron Township

  • 64 condominium units on less than half of 68 acre parcel
  • Natural features inventory completed
  • First flush managed by either VortechnicsTM or rains gardens
  • Detention pond
  • 15.6 ac wetland mitigation bank
  • MACDC "Innovative & Excellence Award", winter 2004

(photos courtesy S. Khaldi)

Project Title: Rain Garden, City of Lathrup Village offices

Location: City of Lathrup Village, 27400 Southfield Road (parking lot north of offices)

  • Compost, mulch mix with native plants
  • City handled excavation and paid for plants
  • Design and planting completed by SOCWA volunteers
  • Installed 2002

(photos courtesy L. Dean)

Project Title: Rain Garden at Beach Road Park

Location: Beach Road between Wattles and Long Lake, City of Troy

Rain garden at clay soil site

  • Manages storm water from large parking lot
  • 75% compost, 25% sharp sand mix
  • No underdrain; overflow via surface flow to roadway swale
  • 70 ft x 30 ft
  • Native shrubs, wildflowers, “dry stone” river bed
  • Planted May 2005

(photos courtesy L. Dean)

Project Title: Rain Garden at Heritage Park Nature Center

Location: 31555 W. 11 Mile Rd., Farmington Hills

Rain garden at clay soil site

  • Manages storm water from roof of nature center
    • attached to perforated underdrain; overflow routes to rain garden
  • 25 ft x 15 ft
  • Wildflowers, native grasses & shrubs
  • Planted June 2004

Project Title: Rain garden at Adler Elementary School

Location: 19100 Filmore Ave, Southfield

Rain + learning garden

  • Manages storm water from school building roof and underdrains
  • 50 ft x 50 ft
  • Clay soils; no underdrain
    • Overflow to nearby storm sewer
  • Planted May 2004

Project Title: Rain garden at Eisenhower Elementary School

Location: 24500 Larkins, Southfield

Manages storm water from school building roof

  • 3 downspouts routed underground to perforated pipe
  • 50 ft x 50 ft
  • All native wildflowers
  • Planted May 2005
  • Lillian Dean, SOCWA Healthy Lawns and Gardens Coordinator, (248) 546-5818
  • Photo: The problem

Project Title:Rain garden at Bowers Farms

Location: 1219 E. Square Lake Rd, Bloomfield Hills

Manages storm water from farm education building roof + overland runoff

  • 60 ft x 30 ft
  • Sandy soil on steep hill
  • No underdrain
  • Native wildflowers and grasses
  • Planted summer 2004
  • Mark Seeley, Farm Manager, 248-341-6475;
  • Martha Humphrey, SOCWA Master Composter & Gardener user1='babylon6' site1 = ''; str = '
  • Lillian Dean, SOCWA Healthy Lawns and Gardens Coordinator, (248) 546-5818
  • Photo: Rain garden

Project Title: Bedford Neighborhood Rain garden

Location: Village of Beverly Hills (Street island, intersection Bedford & Medord Sts.)

Manages storm water from the road

  • 2 gardens, each 20 ft x 10 ft
  • Wildflowers and grasses; 80% native species
  • No underdrain

Project Title: Beverly Park Bioretention Swale

Location: Village of Beverly Hills

  • Native trees, shrubs, and perennials were planted in combination with grass seed mulch blankets along the top of the slope
  • Project completed October 2003
(photos courtesy Village of Beverly Hills)

Project Title: Home Rain Gardens

Location: Oakland County

Listing of rain gardens planned and installed by homeowners

Project Title: Wayne County Grow Zone Pilot Project

Location: Hines Park, Wayne County

  • 3 sites
  • Techniques included grow zones (no-mow) with native plantings
  • Interpretive signage
  • Ongoing
  • Noel Mullett, Wayne County Dept. of Environment-Watershed Div., 734-326-4486
  • David Robbins, Design Manager, Wayne County Parks, 734-261-2034
  • Fact sheet forthcoming

Project Title: Dynamite Park Improvements

Location: City of Wayne

  • Native wet meadow plantings
  • Grow zone
  • Dan Ballnik, Ford Land,
  • Kurt Kuban, Rouge RAP Advisory Council

Project Title: Native habitat restoration at Dearborn Public Schools

Location: Howard Elementary, Long Elementary, Miller Elementary, Nowlin Elementary, Bryant Middle

Native habitat:

  • Prairie
  • Woodland Transition
  • Woodland
  • Green screens
  • Dan Ballnik, Ford Land,

Project Title: Environmental Interpretive Center (EIC) and Henry Ford Estate (HFE)

Location: University of Michigan-Dearborn, 5501 Evergreen, Dearborn

Native plantings:

  • Prairie
  • Woodland
  • Woodland transition

Project Title: Native Plant Learning Garden, Martha Baldwin Park, Birmingham

Location: Martha Baldwin Park (SW corner, Maple and Southfield Roads), Birmingham

  • Native wildflowers, ferns, grasses -- all labeled
  • Planted in a wet spot in the grass; fed by groundwater (VERY wet).
  • Planted in fall 2003 with help from Seaholm High schools students and SOCWA volunteers.
  • Bob Fox, Birmingham Parks and Recreation,
  • Linda Forrester, Rouge Green Corridor Steward/ Volunteer, 248-646-3442

Project Title:SOCWA/SOCRRA Native Landscape Education Site

Location: 3910 W. Webster, Royal Oak

  • 300 species of native trees, shrubs, wildflowers, ferns and grasses planted and maintained by SOCWA volunteers as a community education resource.
  • Site includes: woodland garden; biohedge; rain garden (wetland garden), butterfly garden, mesic prairie garden

Washtenaw County Guidance

The Washtenaw County Drain Commissioner has published "Low Impact Design Fact Sheets" on the following topics:

  • Vegetated Swales
  • Bioretention Islands
  • Porous Pavement
  • Native Landscaping
  • Porous Pavement
  • Engineered Systems

Each fact sheet highlights several projects utilizing the featured technology

Reference for rain garden soil mixes

Study completed by Lawrence Technical University on soil mixes for rain gardens

  • Donald Carpenter Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Lawrence Technological University, 248-204-2549
  • Lillian Dean, SOCWA Healthy Lawns and Gardens Coordinator, (248) 546-5818

General local rain gardens references

Go to SOCWA website
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