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Materials Management Planning

Recent changes to State law require all Counties in the State to update their existing Solid Waste Management Plans and develop new Materials Management Plans. This new process reflects a transition away from ensuring sufficient landfill capacity for waste disposal and focuses instead on establishing benchmark recycling standards, developing material utilization goals and identifying the highest and best use for all the things residents and businesses throw away.

On September 5, 2024, the Wayne County Board of Commissioners authorized the filing of a Notice of Intent to the State of Michigan indicating that Wayne County would develop a single-County Materials Management Plan, the appointment of a new Materials Management Planning Committee and the designation of the Department of Public Services-Environmental Services Division (ESD) as the Designated Planning Agency.

Notice of Intent Resolution
Notice of Intent
EGLE Materials Management Planning Page

Patrick Cullen
Division Director

John Demerjian
Resource Recovery Coordinator
Public Notices
Wayne County Materials Management Planning Committee - Notice of Public Meeting
Wayne County Materials Management Planning Committee - Notice of Public Meeting
The Wayne County Materials Management Planning Committee will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 from 1:00 to
3:00 p.m. at the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) office located at 1001 Woodward Avenue, Suite 100, Detroit, Michigan. Topics for this meeting include the Materials Management Planning Committee Bylaws and workplan review and approval. Please click here to download the meeting announcement.
Wayne County Materials Management Planning Committee - Notice of Public Meeting
Wayne County Materials Management Planning Committee - Notice of Public Meeting
The Wayne County Materials Management Planning Committee will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. at the Downriver Community Conference located at 15100 Northline Road, Southgate, Michigan. Topics for this meeting include the Materials Management Planning Committe Bylaws and the appointment of members to the Wayne County Facility Inclusion Committee. Please click here to download the meeting announcement.
Riverview Land Preserve - Notice of Public Meeting
A meeting of the Wayne County Facility Inclusion Committee (FIC) will be held on Monday, November 14, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. at Arnaldo's Banquet Center, 18275 Quarry Road in Riverview, Michigan. This meeting will be held to consider the revised application from the City of Riverview for the proposed expansion of their municipal solid waste landfill located at 20863 Grange Road. The meeting can also be accessed electronically at the following link:

Webinar Link:
Call-In #: 888 475 4499 (Toll Free)
Webinar ID: 825 9748 4178

Meeting Agenda
Staff Review Memo
Transcript of the November 14, 2022 FIC Meeting
Riverview Land Preserve - Amended Application for Expansion
The City of Riverview has submitted an amended application for a proposed expansion of their solid waste landfill located at 20863 Grange Road to be included in Wayne County's Solid Waste Management Plan. Further details regarding the public comment period and meeting of the Facility Inclusion Committee will be forthcoming.

Riverview Land Preserve Application 5/2/2022
Riverview Land Preserve - Notice of Public Meeting

A meeting of the Wayne County Facility Inclusion Committee was held on Monday, August 2 at 1:30 p.m. via Zoom. The meeting was held to consider an application from the City of Riverview to include a proposed expansion of their municipal solid waste landfill located at 20863 Grange Road in the Wayne County Solid Waste Management Plan. Please click on the link below to download the meeting transcript.

August 3, 2021 FIC Meeting Transcript

To view the complete public meeting announcement, please click here.
To view the meeting agenda, please click here.
To view the Wayne County Public Health Order, please
click here.

Proposed Electronic Meeting Procedures

Wayne County DPS-ESD Staff Recommendation Memo
Riverview Land Preserve - Application for Expansion
The City of Riverview has submitted an application for a proposed expansion of their solid waste landfill located at 20863 Grange Road to be included in Wayne County's Solid Waste Management Plan. Public comment on the application is being accepted until July 2, 2021. Comments may be submitted in writing to: Wayne County Facility Inclusion Committee, 3600 Commerce Ct., Wayne, MI 48184 or via email to A meeting of the Facility Inclusion Committee will be held after the public comment period has closed. Additional details regarding the committee meeting will be forthcoming.

Riverview Land Preserve Application
Revised Cover Letter and Application Form 7/14/2021
Solid Waste Management Plan
Wayne County Solid Waste Management Plan 2000 Update
Regulated Solid Waste Facilities in Wayne County
Where to Take Waste
Disposal of Home Medical Sharps - The Wayne County Department of Public Services encourages safe disposal of sharps. Sharps include syringes, needles, and lancets. Unsafe disposal can cause injury to others and contamination of the environment. You can help prevent injury, illness, and pollution by following some simple steps when you dispose of the sharp objects and contaminated materials you use in administering health care in your home.

Wayne County residents have several options to find information for sharps disposal.
  • Residents may visit the Safe Needle Disposal web page.
  • Using the Wayne County Recycles smartphone app available in the Google Play and Apple App Store.
  • Visit the Household Hazardous Waste page to use the the Resource Recovery Guide.
  • Sharps will be accepted at Wayne County Household Hazardous Waste events.
Disposal of Unused or Unwanted Drugs - The U.S. Government has found that 80% of watersheds contain low levels of at least one type of pharmaceutical chemical, with half of our streams containing seven or more. Wastewater treatment facilities can't filter these chemicals out, so many drugs are being detected in drinking water. The effects of most of these products are unknown, but increased concentrations of antibiotics in drinking water have produced "super bugs" - bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. The risks of long-term exposure of these substances to humans and animals are unknown. While recommended for many years, the practice of flushing unused or unwanted drugs down the drain is not the best option for human health or the environment.

Please use the Drug Enforcement Administration's Search Utility to find a controlled substance collection site near you:

Wayne County Controlled Substance Drop-off Locations Flyer

Disposal of Used Electronics - Continual and rapid changes in the technology field can make high-technology equipment like computers, televisions, phones and other products obsolete very quickly. Many options are now in place to accept old and unwanted electronic items for recycling. Recycling outdated electronics helps in the safe management of their potentially hazardous components and supports the recovery and reuse of valuable materials. It also helps reduce the pollution and energy use tied to the production of new electronics.

List of e-waste items accepted

Resource Recovery Guide
Outreach Programs
  • School Recycling Program

    LRDM staff are available to provide recycling education presentations for schools and other organizations. Please contact the Resource Recovery Coordinator for more information.
Additional Program Information