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Engineering Services
The Engineering Services Unit (ESU) provides comprehensive engineering and technical support to the Department of Public Services, Environmental Services Group. Services are primarily related to capital improvements and other requirements of the County’s wastewater and storm water systems operated by the Facilities Management Division.
ESU services include studies and planning, design and construction engineering, project management, and policy coordination including liaison with regulatory agencies and system customers on topics ranging from water quality issues, hydraulics/hydrology, permitting, wastewater transport and treatment systems, and storm water systems. ESU also assists other DPS divisions as needed with unique or "one-time" projects. Assistance is also provided regarding financing of capital projects, including use of federal grants and state revolving loan funds. Our staff also provides assistance to the Director of DPS as well as our customer communities on topics including policy review, coordination with Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and interface with the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD).