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Community Partners Assistance

If you are unable to pay your Wayne County property taxes to prevent the loss of your home for tax foreclosure you may be able to get financial assistance and free legal help.

Wayne County Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
(833) 742-1513
The Wayne County Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) is available to landlords and their renters within Wayne County who have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, who are experiencing housing instability, and whose household income is at or below 80% of Area Median Income (AMI). The applicant must be applying for a residence in Wayne County (excluding Detroit).
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services -MDHHS
(855) 275-6424

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services is a principal department of the State of Michigan that provides public assistance, child and family welfare services, and health policy and management oversight.
Southwest Solutions

(313) 841-3727

Southwest Solutions is an agency provide a broad range of programs in the areas of human development, economic development, and community engagement. Their free services include, but are not limited to: Foreclosure prevention counseling, mastering money management, Debt reduction, Banking basics, Developing a spending plan, Improving credit ratios and savings, Consumer protection, and Fair housing and fair lending.

Wayne County Department of Human Services - DHS
(Formerly Family Independence Agency) can be contacted at (313) 456-1000. This is a general number from which you can obtain the phone number and address of your local DHS office. You can also simply go to your local office and apply for State Emergency Relief (SER). Offices are located throughout Wayne County.
The Detroit Tax Relief Fund

Taxpayers who have been approved for a Property Tax Exemption in 2020 or 2021 and are qualified for the PAYS tax reduction, but have not yet entered into the agreement are encouraged to do so as soon as possible. If you need financial assistance in making your payments you may be eligible for help through the Detroit Tax Relief Fund. Please call (313) 244-0274, or go to for more information and to complete an application for assistance.

Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency
(313) 388-9799

Wayne Metro Community Action Agency (Wayne Metro) provides essential services, diversified programming, and community resources to low- and moderate-income individuals and families throughout all of Wayne County. Today, Wayne Metro supports all of Wayne County with more than 50 programs with over 300 employees, and is proud to be one of the most innovative Community Action Agencies in the entire country.

Address: 7310 Woodward Ave, Detroit, MI 48202
City of Detroit Buildings and Safety (BSEED)
(313) 224-2733

The Buildings, Safety Engineering and Environmental Department (BSEED) mission is to provide for the safety, health and welfare of the general public as it pertains to buildings and their environs in an efficient, cost effective, user friendly and professional manner. BSEED enforces construction, property maintenance, environmental compliance and zoning codes, which preserve and enhance property values and promote a quality of life to make Detroit a preferred place to reside and conduct business.

Address: 7310 Woodward Ave, Detroit, MI 48202
City of Detroit Assessor
(313) 224-2733

The mission of the City of Detroit Office of the Assessor is to discover, list and value at current market conditions all real and tangible personal property in the City of Detroit for the purposes of levying the tax lawfully imposed and to warrant said levy to the Treasurer of the City of Detroit for collection.

Address: 2 Woodward Avenue - Suite 804, Detroit, MI 48226
Homeless Action Network of Detroit

(313) 964-3666

HAND's core mission is to provide leadership to address homelessness.

Address: 3701 Miracles Blvd. Suite 101, Detroit, MI 48201
Disability Network Wayne County-Detroit

(313) 923-1655

The Disability Network Wayne County-Detroit is a community service, community resource and advocacy nonprofit organization serving the City of Detroit and Wayne County. Their Mission is to educate and connect people with disabilities to resources while advocating social change. Their goal is a community that values disability as human diversity, free of attitudinal barriers, where all people benefit with full access and inclusion.

Address: 5555 Conner St., Detroit, MI 48213
Accounting Aid Society
(313) 556-1920

Accounting Aid Society helps grow an economy that works for everyone in Detroit and Southeastern Michigan through programs that focus on free tax assistance for low- to middle-income neighbors. They provide tax preparation, financial management practices for small business owners, tax debt relief and financial coaching and education.
Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network

(800) 241-4949

The Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network is a safety net organization that provides a full array of services and supports to adults with mental illness, individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, children with serious emotional disturbances and persons with substance use disorders.


(313) 640-1100

U-SNAP-BAC is a non-profit housing corporation that offers a variety of services to help people get back on their feet. U-SNAP-BAC was incorporated by a consortium of seven neighborhood organizations and four business associations to revitalize the east side of Detroit. The mission is "to empower residents to impact the future of Detroit's eastside. Through coalition building, resource development, joint planning and programming, we will promote economic growth and neighborhood improvement."

Greater Detroit Agency for the Blind and Visually Impaired

(313) 272-3900.

The Greater Detroit Agency for the Blind and Visually Impaired provides quality, innovative services that increase self-reliance, productivity and dignity for persons who are blind or visually impaired.

Black Caucus Foundation

(313) 285-9234

The foundation provides non-partisan, educational research, public policy development, and analysis of various issues of social and economic importance of Michigan's Black Communities, and implements associated programs and services which enhance the quality of life of children and families.

Abayomi Community Development Corporation

(313) 541-9828

Abayomi's mission is To strengthen and secure families and the local community through comprehensive community building.

Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America - Michigan Chapter

(248) 406-4254

The AAFA Michigan Chapter serves all Michigan residents affected by asthma and allergies. We serve patients of all ages. Also, we provide resources for health care professionals, caregivers and child care providers. We work with our communities to make them better for those with allergies and asthma.

Anew Life Prosthetics and Orthotics

(313) 870-9610

Anew Life is a boutique, full spectrum, state of the art prosthetic and orthotic provider

Oakland Community College

(248) 341-2230

OCC is committed to empowering our students to succeed and advancing our community.

CNS Health Care

(800) 615-0411

CNS Healthcare is a non-profit, Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) with seven clinics and two clubhouses in Southeastern Michigan.

Gift of Life MOTTEP

(313) 875-9055

Gift of Life MOTTEP's Mission is to create healthy minority communities through disease prevention, transplantation, and organ donation education.

Anew Life Prosthetics and Orthotics
(313) 870-9610

Anew Life is a boutique, full spectrum, state of the art prosthetic and orthotic provider
Volunteers of America
(313) 355-2077

Volunteers for America is dedicated to helping those in need rebuild their lives and reach their full potential.
Disabled American Vererans
(313) 964-6595

DAV provides a lifetime of support for veterans of all generations and their families, in positive, life-changing ways. They ensure veterans and their families can access the full range of benefits they deserve, provide care and support during tough times, advocate for the veteran community on Capitol Hill, connect veterans with meaningful employment, and so much more.
Bureau of Services for Blind Persons (BSBP), State of Michigan
(313) 964-6595,5863,7-336-94422_28313---,00.html

The Michigan Bureau of Services for Blind Persons (BSBP) believes in the capacity of people who are blind or visually impaired to achieve employment and independence. BSBP provides training and other services that empower people to achieve their individual goals.
Wayne County Veteran Affairs (Soldiers and Sailors Relief Fund)
(313) 224-5045.

If you are a veteran with any wartime service and an honorable discharge, you may qualify.
US Dept. of Veterans Affairs - Veteran Readiness & Employment
(313) 613-6514.

Veteran Readiness and Employment services help with job training, employment accommodations, resume development, and job seeking skills coaching. Other services may be provided to assist Veterans and Servicemembers in starting their own businesses or independent living services for those who are severely disabled and unable to work in traditional employment.
US Detartment of Housing and Urban Development
(313) 234-7327.
HUD provides housing support and uplifts communities. Let us guide your next steps to the right place.
US Detartment of Housing and Urban Development
(313) 613-6514.

If you are a veteran with any wartime service and an honorable discharge, you may qualify.
Detroit Area Agency On Aging

(313) 446-4444

Established in 1980, the Detroit Area Agency on Aging (DAAA) is a nonprofit agency that serves older persons, adults with disabilities and caregivers residing in Detroit, the five Grosse Pointes, Hamtramck, Harper Woods and Highland Park.

Address: 1333 Brewery Park Blvd Suite 200, Detroit, MI 48207
Wayne County Senior Services
(800) 851-1454.

Wayne County Senior Services provides congregate, home-delivered, and liquid meals to eligible senior citizens age 60 and older in the 34 communities in western Wayne County and in the downriver areas.

Wayne State University Successful Aging through Financial Empowerment (SAFE)
(313) 664-2608.

Wayne State University SAFE will help older adults recover financially and emotionally after being victimized by financial scams or identity theft, educate older adults, and the people who care for them, about scamming and identity theft techniques, identification, protection and reporting, and strengthen financial literacy through educational, interactive workshops.

DTE Energy
(888) 830-2170.

DTE Energy provides gas and electric services to residents of Metro Detroit.

THAW - The Heat and Warmth Fund
(800) 866-8429.

The Heat and Warmth Fund (THAW) is stabilizing and empowering Michigan families, keeping them healthy, safe and warm.

THAW, an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, distributes assistance to vulnerable Michigan residents through 39 agency partners and a series of annual mobile processing events. The number of households that need utility assistance continues to grow each year. Last year THAW distributed more than $15 million in utility assistance to nearly 18,000 Michigan households, and we could not have done that without your help.

Address: 535 Griswold Street, Detroit, MI 48226

Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA)
(313) 456-3540.

MSHDA has federal funds available to help tenants facing pandemic-related hardships avoid eviction while also ensuring landlords can recoup owed rent through the COVID Emergency Rental Assistance (CERA) program.

Address: 3028 W. Grand Blvd. St 4-600, Detroit, MI 48202

Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS)
(313) 842-7010.

Help is available to those who qualify and is not limited to those of Arabic ethnicity.
For Wayne County communities outside of Detroit
Contact your local city hall for information concerning local funds available to assist you.
Many banks and mortgage companies offer a variety of mortgages and loans
It is ALWAYS advisable to obtain counseling when seeking a mortgage to pay your taxes to prevent foreclosure. There are reputable non-profit organizations in some communities that provide home buyer and mortgage counseling. (If you live in Detroit, call the City of Detroit Planning Commission at (313) 224-6225 to find such a group.)

* All financial help is contingent upon qualifications and available funding. If you believe you were wrongfully denied State Emergency Relief, you may obtain free legal help from one of the agencies below:

For Free Counseling and Legal Assistance: