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The Commission Counsel is the legal department for the Wayne County Commission, both in researching pending ordinances and resolutions and also representing the Commission in court on matters relating to operations of Wayne County. The staff works with and for the Wayne County commissioners in a number of ways, including:
Review claims made against the county; find and intervene in those in which the interests of the Commission may differ from those of other county-elected officers.
Advise the Commission on recommendations made by the Corporation Counsel (the legal staff for the executive branch of county government) to settle or litigate claims made against the county.
Assist the Commission in the enforcement of subpoenas, orders to produce or to appear and with the conduct of oversight hearings or audits.
Draft proposed and final language for most ordinances and some resolutions, including budget instructions.
Advise on public policy and legal issues regarding Commission action on pending contracts, ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations.
Draft proposed amendments to the Wayne County Charter.
Track, analyze and advise on pending state legislation that could impact Wayne County.
Help codify county ordinances. Update an annotated Wayne County Charter.
Advise committee clerks on best ways to prepare public notices and agenda items for speedy and proper disposition.
Advise the chairperson and other commissioners in drafting letters on matters of public policy and in answering calls from constituents.