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FY 2009-2010
Introduction (22 pgs.)
- Wayne County Commission and Other Elected Officials
- Commissioners By District
- Distinguished Budget Presentation Award
- Table of Contents
- County Wide Organization Chart
- Wayne County Mission
- Executive Strategic Priorities
- Core Work Values
- County Executive Branch Organization Chart
- Budget Message
- Commission Changes to County Executive Recommended Budget
Budget Overview(30 pgs.)
- Budget Cycle
- Reader's Guide
- The Annual Budget Process
- Summary of Financial Policies
- County Profile
- Goals and Objectives
- Budget Assumptions
- Actions Included
- Budget Changes by Fund Type
- Budget Format Changes
- Fund Description
- Department and Activity Accounts
- Chart of Revenue and Expenditure Accounts
- Summary of Revenue and Expenditures
- Summary by Fund
- Description of Major Revenues- All Funds
- Summary of Revenues by Fund and Source
- Revenues by Fund and Activity
- Summary of Expenditures by Fund and Object
- Expenditures by Fund and Activity
- Fund Balance - Graph
- Projected Fund Balance/Net Assets
- Summary of Positions
- Full-Time Positions - Graph
- Summary of Revenues and Expenditures
- Detail Revenues and Expenditures
- Description of Major General Fund Revenues
(Note: Each section includes Expenditures Charts and Trend Analysis)
- Children and Family Services(14 pgs.)
- Circuit Court(12 pgs.)
- Corporation Counsel(12 pgs.)
- County Clerk(10 pgs.)
- County Commission(8 pgs.)
- County Executive(10 pgs.)
- Economic and Neighborhood Development(14 pgs.)
- Health and Human Services (26 pgs.)
- Homeland Security/Emergency Management (8 pgs.)
- Management and Budget (12 pgs.)
- Personnel/Human Resources(8 pgs.)
- Probate Court (8 pgs.)
- Prosecuting Attorney(10 pgs.)
- Public Services(26 pgs.)
- Register of Deeds(8 pgs.)
- Retirement Commission (8 pgs.)
- Senior Citizens/Veterans Affairs(6 pgs.)
- Sheriff (14 pgs.)
- Technology(10 pgs.)
- Treasurer(14 pgs.)
- Non-Departmental (8 pgs.)
Debt Summary (13 pgs.)
Capital Projects (103 pgs.)
Appendix (138 pgs.)
- Enrolled Appropriation Ordinance
- Financial Policies & Procedures
- Comprehensive Investment Policy
- Statistics and Demographics
- Glossary of Terms
- List of Acronyms
- Index
- Acknowledgments