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Wayne County Senior Citizen Services depends on donations from clients, their families, neighbors, and organizations to provide nutrition services to our elderly population. As reductions in funding for nutrition services to senior citizens continues, donations to the program are essential in order to provide services to as many seniors in need as possible and avoid implementation of a wait list.
The suggested donation for congregate and home delivered meals is $3.00/meal. Many clients unable to ingest solid foods due to a debilitating disease receive up to two (2) cases of liquid nutrition (Ensure) each month. The suggested donation for liquid meals is $15.00/case.
Memorial Donations
Donations can be made in memory of a loved one, friend or relative. A thank you letter will be sent to the family or friends in recognition of their contribution. Please specify the name of the person for the memorial and information for recognition.
Make a Donation Today

Online donations can be made as a single-time donation or set up a monthly donation.
Donate NowDonate by Mail
To make a donation by mail, please endorse checks payable to:
Wayne County Senior Services
3600 Commerce Court, Bldg. E
Wayne, MI 48184
Sponsor a Meals on Wheels Senior

For a contribution of just $120.00 per month, a home bound senior will receive meals delivered by a friendly volunteer. Due to COVID-19, we are delivering frozen meals twice per week. The face to face contact with the senior by the volunteer also serves as a safety check to the vulnerable elderly population. Often times, the volunteer is the only human contact they have.
Wayne County Senior Services delivers meals and congregate meal sites to over 3,000 seniors in 34 communities in Wayne County.
1 meal equals $6. 1 week of meals equals $30. 1 month of meals equals $120.
Sponsorships are accepted online via SCANWAYNE