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Seniors and Veterans Affairs

This committee looks at ways to improve the quality of life for senior citizens and military veterans who live in Wayne County. It reviews matters that relate to the provision of benefits and services to senior citizens. In addition, it reviews matters relating to veterans and the county's role in service to veterans, including reviewing the effectiveness of the Soldiers and Sailors Relief Millage.

Chair:David Knezek
Vice-Chair: Alex Garza
Member: Cara A. Clemente
Member: Melissa Daub
Member: Tim Killeen


The committee meets in the 7th Floor Meeting Room of the Guardian Building, 500 Griswold, Detroit, or you can join the meeting by visiting
You can also join by dialing any one of the following numbers:
(312) 626-6799
(346) 248-7799
(646) 558-8656
(720) 707-2699

The link and phone numbers are also available on the meeting agenda.

The committee meets in the 7th Floor Conference Room unless noted on the agenda.

To protect the health, safety and welfare of Wayne County residents and to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, until further notice, the Committee on Senior Citizens & Veterans Affairs is utilizing an electronic method to hold its Committee and Full Board Meetings.The County of Wayne will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired at the Commission meeting upon five days' notice to the Clerk of the Commission. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the Wayne County Commission by writing or calling the address and number listed below or TDD.

Videos from previous years' meetings, dating back to 2019, are available on the Wayne County Commission YouTube channel.

2024 Meeting Schedule

WednesdayJan. 109:30 a.m.Postponed
WednesdayJan. 249:30 a.m.Postponed
WednesdayFeb. 79:30 a.m.Postponed
WednesdayFeb. 289:30 a.m.Agenda
WednesdayMarch 139:30 a.m.Postponed
WednesdayApril 39:30 a.m.Postponed
WednesdayApril 179:30 a.m.Postponed
WednesdayMay 19:30 a.m.Postponed
WednesdayMay 159:00 a.m.Agenda
TuesdayJune 49:30 a.m.Postponed
WednesdayJune 129:30 a.m.Agenda
WednesdayJune 269:30 a.m.Postponed
WednesdayJuly 109:30 a.m.Postponed
WednesdayJuly 249:30 a.m.Postponed
WednesdayAug. 79:30 a.m.Agenda
WednesdayAug. 219:30 a.m.Postponed
WednesdaySept. 119:30 a.m.Agenda
WednesdaySept. 259:30 a.m.Postponed
WednesdayOct. 99:30 a.m.Postponed
WednesdayOct. 239:30 a.m.Postponed
WednesdayNov. 139:30 a.m.Postponed
TuesdayDec. 39:30 a.m.Postponed
WednedayDec. 119:30 a.m.Agenda