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Assessment Data
The Equalization Division annually compiles assessment data for Wayne County municipalities at the conclusion of the March Board of Review. This is not real-time data, but it is updated periodically. We can provide data in fixed length and comma delimited ASCII and CSV formats. Custom exports are available for an additional charge. Please click this link to download a Data Service Request Form for a list of available services for our communities. Also, please note that assessment values will be retrospective to the prior March Board of Review for all communities. Local assessment offices should be contacted for up-to-date information.
To submit a Data Service Request Form of custom data extracts, click here. If you have additional questions, please contact:
LaToya C. Haygood, MAAO (3), MCPPE
Assistant Division Director
Assessment & Equalization
500 Griswold, 21st Fl
Detroit, MI 48226-2831
Phone: (313) 967-3770
Main: (313) 967-0010
Fax: (313) 224-4864
Master CSV. files of the Assessment Data are available under the Annual Assessment Data link, which contain Assessment, Buildings Name, and Legal Descriptions.
Tax Parcel Maps are maintained by the local municipality and copies may be obtained by contacting them directly, usually at their Assessor's office. Historical maps are available and downloadable and may be found under the Historical Tax Maps link.
The Equalization Division no longer offers GIS data. All orders must be done through the local assessment offices whose contact information can be found by clicking the Employee Directory located to the right side of this page. Historical parcel boundary shape files are available and downloadable and may be found under the Wayne County GIS Parcel Layer Shapefiles link.Additional mapping options are now also available and assessible at the Wayne County Open Data Portal
For the City of Detroit Office of the Assessor, please contact (313) 224-3035; Detroit Property Tax Division, (313) 224-3560; Detroit GIS Sales Unit, (313) 224-9427 or email to: The city's website is