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Request an Investigator or Expert


Expert witnesses are available to all criminal public defenders upon approved request by an IDSD Investigator/Expert Program Administrator; this is inclusive of direct felony appointed attorneys, MAACS attorneys, Neighborhood Defense Services - Detroit (NDSD) defenders, or retained attorneys with an indigency order for their client. Private investigators are available to all with the exception of NDSD as NDSD investigation is funded separately.


To request investigative or expert services* or to opt out**, please click the button below.

Attorney Request for Investigator/Expert Services

NEED HELP? Click here to view our instructional video.

*attorneys should contact the prospective investigator and/or expert to ensure availability and their ability to perform the needed services before submitting an online request.

**Use of private investigation is mandatory for all Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 severity case assignments; to opt-out you must provide adequate justification in order to remain compliant with our policies. Consistent failure to comply with the IDSD investigation policy may impact future eligibility for Tier 1 & Tier 2 case assignments.

Pre-Requisites for Investigators and Experts

All requests for investigators and experts are subject to our Core Policy and Standardized Travel Policy, found on our Policies & Procedures page HERE.

Any Private Investigator you would like to engage for services must provide licensure information to the Indigent Defense Services Department as well as fill out a background check consent for access to any County jail facility. If your investigative needs are time sensitive, please review our existing courtesy list for a service provider.

Any prospective provider can submit an interest form by checking our our Apply to Our Experts and Investigators Program page, and one of our program administrators will guide them through the necessary forms and paperwork to be added to our courtesy list, background checked (if applicable) and be added to our Accounts Payable system as a payable vendor.