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Wayne County has a number of programs tailored to the delivery of criminal indigent defense. You can find a short summary of the programs below, and can find their related pages by clicking the program name above each description.

Attorney Qualification Program

Our Attorney Qualification Program is the umbrella under which our qualification committee is established, guidance on where to find information and registration for training which meets our qualification criteria is given as well as information on how to report training in advance of the annual deadline is provided, and where and how our application process lives.

Second Chair Program

The Wayne County Second Chair Pilot Program was born in calendar year 2023 as a way for attorneys interested in gaining the necessary trial experience for higher severity cases an avenue to acquire such experience and a mechanism for Second Chair attorneys to be compensated for work performed as a second chair in our program.

Investigator and Expert Program

Our Investigator and Expert Program is a direct corresponding program to the MIDC Act's third standard, establishing funding and oversight for the use of private investigation and expert witness support in indigent defense. For the highest severity cases in our jurisdiction, the use of investigation is expected and can be reviewed under our policies and procedures.

We maintain a courtesy list of established providers on our site which we try to keep updated every few weeks, as well as all the requisite forms to request a provider, request payment as a provider, quality surveys, and sample filled documents templates demonstrating how we need certain forms be completed to keep things moving.

Defender Support (Holistic Services) Program

Our Social Work Program, also known as the Defender Support Unit, is a brand new program we are piloting in 2023.