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Environmental Health


The Environmental Health Program mission is to prevent disease and illness by promoting and facilitating safe food service, monitoring recreational waters, protecting the drinking water supply, regulating smoking in places of employment, ensuring lead-safe homes for children, establishing body art standards and facilitating the startup and continued operation of businesses so that residents, visitors and businesses will experience a safer environment.

EH Programs

Food Safety Environmental Safety

Contact Us

Wayne County Health, Human and Veterans Services
Health Administration Building
Environmental Health Section - EAST WING (Parking at Venoy Road Entrance)

33030 Van Born Road
Wayne, MI 48184
Phone (734) 727-7400
Fax: (734)-727-7165

For Swimming Pools -
For Foods, including restaurant complaints -

Hours of Operation - Counter Service
8:30AM - 4:00PM Closed For Lunch: 11:30AM - 12:30PM

Environmental Health Links

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