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Appellate Procedures
- The Office of The Wayne County Clerk is not able to process your request for appeal without the proper documentation and applicable filing fee.
- If you are not certain as to the proper filing and the appellate procedure, it may be advantageous to consult an attorney for assistance.
- The Wayne County Clerk's Office does not provide legal assistance.
- File a CLAIM OF APPEAL to initiate the case. FACSIMILES are not accepted for filing.
- Filing fee for an appeal is $150.00 *Personal checks not accepted.
- Provide a copy of the register of action, decision, judment, or order being appealed.
- Once the Claim of Appeal is filed, a case number and judge will be assigned to the case.
- Proceed accordingly pursuant to the Michigan Cour Rules and Statutes that apply.
- Submit proposed filing to the appropriate division of the Clerk's Office for filing, i.e.
County Clerk's Office - Criminal Division
1441 St. Antoine, 901 Frank Murphy Hall of Justice
Detroit, MI 48226
(313) 224-2503
Appeals -- Michigan Court of Appeals
- The Clerk's Office retrieves and transmits all Third Circuit Court case files and transcripts to the Appellate Courts and Attorney Gernal's Office for appeallate review.