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Facilitating Effective Representation for the Accused
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Seeking a Fair and Just Criminal Justice System
Supporting Assigned Counsel
Seeking a Fair and Just Criminal Justice System
Wayne County's Indigent Defense Services Department (IDSD), formerly Office of Public Defense Services (OPDS) was launched in August 2020, with the hiring of its Director. The IDSD will manage the County's indigent defense system, including both the public defender office component and the private assigned counsel component of felony cases assigned to criminal defense counsel. Wayne County's approximately 16,000 assignments of counsel are presently allocated to the Neighborhood Defender Service Detroit (35%), and private counsel qualified by the Third Circuit Court to accept assignments (65%).
The IDSD will also be responsible for developing and implementing plans for compliance with standards of the Michigan Indigent Defense Commission (MIDC). Approved standards include training of assigned counsel, ensuring counsel at the first court appearance, prompt visitation between assigned counsel and clients, access to investigators and experts, and most recently, indpendence from the judiciary.
The IDSD is funded through annual state grants from the MIDC, as well as funding received from the County.
The IDSD will also be responsible for developing and implementing plans for compliance with standards of the Michigan Indigent Defense Commission (MIDC). Approved standards include training of assigned counsel, ensuring counsel at the first court appearance, prompt visitation between assigned counsel and clients, access to investigators and experts, and most recently, indpendence from the judiciary.
The IDSD is funded through annual state grants from the MIDC, as well as funding received from the County.