Project Title: Inkster Valley Constructed Wetlands Project Location: Michigan Avenue between Inkster & Middlebelt, City of Inkster | - Site 1: storm water treatment by a newly created emergent wetland (3 ac)
- Site 2: storm water treatment by an existing (3 ac) forested wetland
- Site 3E: storm water treatment by new sediment forebay into existing wetland system
- Site 3W: storm water treatment by new sediment forebay into new emergent and scrub/shrub wetland
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Project Title: Canterbury Gardens Condominiums Location: Waltz & Willow Roads, Huron Township | - 64 condominium units on less than half of 68 acre parcel
- Natural features inventory completed
- First flush managed by either VortechnicsTM or rains gardens
- Detention pond
- 15.6 ac wetland mitigation bank
- MACDC "Innovative & Excellence Award", winter 2004
| (photos courtesy S. Khaldi) |