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Unless otherwise required by law or Ordinance, all goods and services shall be procured by issuing competitive sealed bids or proposals.
Formal Requests for Proposals (RFP's), Invitations for Bids (IFB's) and Requests for Qualifications (RFQ's) are used for the purchase of goods and services in excess of $50,000 and construction in excess of $100,000. Informal Solicitations for Quotes (SFQ's) are used for goods and services $50,000 or less and for construction $100,000 or less. The Wayne County Commission retains the authority to review and approve contracts for goods and services in excess of $50,000 and construction in excess of $100,000. The Wayne County Executive executes the contracts and grants the final authorization to proceed.
To view current solicitations for major contracts ( those contracts expected to exceed $50,000) you must register with MITN at and download the Invitations for Bids (IFBs), Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and Requests for Qualifications (RFQs).
Informal solicitations may be submitted via telephone, in person, by mail or by email. Specific submission requirements are stated in the bid documents. Although a sealed bid technique is not used, all informal quotations greater than $5,000 are made on a competitive basis, soliciting quotes from at least three (3) vendors whenever possible.
The Wayne County Procurement Ordinance exempts small purchases of $5,000 or less from the competitive solicitation process. Procurement requirements shall not be artificially divided so as to constitute a small purchase. Competitive quotations will be obtained if the Purchasing Director determines the non-competitive quote is unreasonable.
A purchase order is required in order to provide goods or services to the County. Therefore, the County will not be responsible for payment for services rendered or goods delivered in instances where an authorized purchase order has not been issued. If you are asked to fulfill an order or provide a service without a County purchase order, you are cautioned to acquire an authorized purchase order and to obtain the name and department of the individual who issued the request for goods or services. A purchase order is essential to doing business with the County. It is your assurance that you are authorized to be paid for the goods provided or the services rendered.
Wayne County accepts quotations when there is a current need. To be notified of current opportunities for those goods or services you must register with Michigan Intergovernmental Trade Network (MITN) at . This will provide automatic notification of most of the County's contracting opportunities which are solicited through a simple quotation process (for contract that will not exceed $50,000). MITN will also notify you of Major contracting opportunities (contracts that will exceed $50,000). To view current solicitations for major contracts ( those contracts expected to exceed $50,000) you must register with MITN at and download the Invitations for Bids (IFBs), Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and Requests for Qualifications (RFQs).
Vendors that have registered on the County's web-based E-purchasing system with a current email address should receive automatic notification of solicitations for quotes (for procurements valued $50,000 or less) in the commodity or service areas in which they have registered.
One Time Contract: The County procures required services or materials on a one-time basis. A firm price is requested for fixed quantities, or a fixed total price, with single or multiple delivery sites.
Term Contract: The County procures goods and services as needed, at fixed unit prices or fixed discount schedules, through multi-year contracts for estimated quantities of materials or services commonly used in volume by specific Divisions or on a County-wide basis. Certain contracts may include a price escalation clause.
For RFPs, the award is made to the proposer whose proposal is deemed most advantageous to the County based upon the evaluation criteria as published in the RFP document. The Purchasing Director's recommendation for award notice is issued to all RFP respondents after the evaluation process is finished. Proposals are available for public inspection under the Freedom of Information Act.
In order to receive payment for goods or services furnished to the County, submit an original invoice to the Department of Management & Budget's Central Accounts Payable Division. Invoices should not be sent to Purchasing. However, a duplicate copy of an invoice may be sent to the operating Division to help expedite the payment process. Failure to submit the original invoice to Accounts Payable is likely to delay payment. Invoices must show: (1) Purchase Order number; (2) Complete description of the goods or services furnished; (3) Quantity; (4) Unit prices and extensions; (5) Date of delivery or date services were performed; (6) The discount terms; and (7) Name of the operating division to which shipment was made or services performed. In addition, the invoice should include the vendor's invoice number and date. Before issuing the invoice, be sure to verify that it complies with the pricing agreed to in the contract or there may be a delay in payment while the discrepancy is resolved.
The Department of Management and Budget (M & B) also operates several satellite finance offices, which provide onsite financial services to various County departments. Two of those satellite offices, the M & B Department of Public Services Finance Division and the M & B Department of Environment Finance Division are responsible for processing payments for goods provided and services rendered to the Department of Public Services and the Department of Environment, respectively.
Central Accounts Payable Bill To Address:
Wayne County Finance Division - 14th Floor
Guardian Building
500 Griswold
Detroit, MI 48226
M & B DPS Finance Bill To Address:
M & B DPS Finance
400 Monroe, 3rd Floor
Detroit, MI 48226
M & B DOE Finance Bill To Address:
400 Monroe, 4th Floor
Detroit, MI 48226
Please be mindful that the "Bill To" address is listed in the top section of each purchase order.