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As a result of a recent decision by the Michigan Supreme Court, if your property was foreclosed and sold in an auction between 2015 through 2020, you may be eligible to claim remaining proceeds from the sale. This includes anyone with an interest in the property (e.g. mortgage and lien holders).
Notice of Intent Claim Form
Your completed form must be delivered in person or by certified mail, return receipt requested to:
Wayne County Treasurer's Office
400 Monroe St, Detroit, MI 48226 (5th Floor)
The Wayne County Treasurer's Office is committed to excellent customer service. We are here to serve taxpayers with respect, efficiency, and professionalism. We want you to have a positive experience as you conduct your business with the Wayne County Treasurer's Office.
Wayne County Treasurer
"Pay As You Stay" transactions
Payment Plans
Deed Certifications
Required in person cash transactions*
The last appointment is at 4:15 PM. No walk in inquiries or payments will be accepted after 4:15 PM. Taxpayers not requiring assistance are encouraged to make payments online, via mobile app, by phone or at a kiosk.
If you are facing foreclosure and need assistance in starting a Wayne County Probate Court Case because a property is in the name of a deceased family member, please contact one of the following community partners for assistance:
Michigan Legal Services: 313-964-4130
United Community Housing Coalition: 313-725-4560
Lakeshore Legal Aid: 888-783-8190 or visit
You can also contact the Wayne County Probate Court by calling 313-224-5706
The Wayne County Treasurer, under the authority of the State of Michigan, participates in the Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund Program, which is an alternate method of collecting delinquent property taxes. All communities and school districts participate under the Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund program. Under the Michigan Public Act 246 of 2003, the City of Detroit began participating with tax year 2003. The program has proven beneficial to all participants.